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Search results: 25 matches found for Creator
  1. Harry Potter — 2024-07-28 12:14:08
    …Harry Potter :: {{Databox caption="Creator" Image="Jk_rowling.jpg" Who="J.K. Rowling" width="300" birth_date="31 July 1965" birth_place="Chipping Sodbury" death_…
  2. Cloning — 2024-07-28 11:35:23
    …Cloning :: {{Databox caption="Creator" Image="IanWilmut.jpg" Who="Ian Wilmut" width="300" birth_date="7 July 1944" birth_place="Hampton Lucy, [[Warwickshire…
    … successful. The embryo was then placed inside a female sheep that went through a normal pregnancy. {{Databox caption="Creator" Image="KeithCampbell.jpg" Who="Keith Campbell" width="" birth_date="23 May 1954" birth_place="Birmingham" death_dat…
  3. Glastonbury Festival — 2023-10-09 23:45:46
    …Glastonbury Festival :: {{Databox caption="Creator" Image="MichaelEavis.jpg" title="Michael Eavis" width="" birth_date="17 October 1935" birth_place="Pilton" death_date=…
  4. Lever Brothers — 2023-10-09 23:43:45
    …Lever Brothers :: {{Databox caption="Creator" Image="WilliamLever.jpg" Who="William Lever" width="" birth_date="19 September 1851" birth_place=" Bolton, [[Lancashi…
  5. Mayday — 2023-10-08 00:53:45
    …Mayday :: {{Databox caption="Creator" image="FrederickStanleyMockford.png" Who="Frederick Stanley Mockford" width="300" birth_date="Dec 08 1897" birth_plac…
  6. Anaesthetic — 2023-10-04 16:27:18
    …Anaesthetic :: {{Databox caption="Creator" Image="HumphryDavy.jpg" Who="Humphry Davy" width="270" birth_date="17 Dec 1778" birth_place="Penzance, Cornwall" deat…
  7. English Bible — 2023-09-25 23:57:13
    …English Bible :: === William Tyndale 1526 === ~-[[Literature]]:[[Society]]:[[1500s]] {{Databox caption="Creator" Image="WilliamTyndale.jpg" Who="William Tyndale" width="300" born="1494" birth_place="Stinchcombe" death_date="6/10/15…
  8. Police — 2022-05-20 08:52:50
    …Police :: {{Databox caption="Creator" Image="Sir_robert_peel_3.jpg" title="Sir Robert Peel" width="300" birth_date="5 February 1788" birth_place="" death_da…
  9. YMCA — 2022-05-17 05:19:39
    …YMCA :: {{Databox caption="Creator" Image="Gwilliamsymca.jpg" Who="George Williams" width="350" birth_date="11 October 1821" birth_place="Dulverton" death…
  10. Crufts — 2022-05-03 17:14:00
    …Crufts :: {{Databox caption="Creator" Image="CharlesCruft.jpg" " title="Charles Cruft" width="390" birth_date="28 Jun 1852" birth_place="" death_date="10 S…
  11. HomePage — 2022-05-03 16:49:56
    …people had a dream and fulfilled it.@@ **This is a salute to the British Inventors and their Inventions, Creations and Creators, Discoveries and Innovations as well as Great Britons that changed the World and the way we live.** @@{{countpages}}…
  12. Paralympic Games — 2021-08-20 10:59:53
    …Paralympic Games :: {{Databox caption="Creator" Image="Sir_gutt.jpg " Who="Sir Ludwig Guttmann " width="" birth_date=" 3 July 1899 " birth_place=" Tost, Prussia " dea…
  13. Miss World — 2021-08-20 10:50:22
    …Miss World :: {{Databox caption="Creator" Image="EricMorley.jpg" Who="Eric Morley" width="300" birth_date="26/9/1918" birth_place="Holborn, London" death_date="…
  14. James Bond — 2021-08-20 10:49:07
    …James Bond :: {{Databox caption="Creator" Image="Sirianfleming.jpg" Who="Ian Fleming" width="300" birth_date="28 May 1908" birth_place="London" death_date="12 …
  15. Guinness Book of World Records — 2021-08-20 10:45:53
    …Guinness Book of World Records :: {{Databox caption="Creator" Image="HughBeaver.jpg" Who="Hugh Beaver" width="" birth_date="4 May 1890" birth_place="Johannesburg, South Africa" de…
  16. Scouts — 2021-08-14 20:35:19
    …Scouts :: {{Databox caption="Creator" Image="Badenpowell.jpg" Who="Lord Robert Baden-Powell" width="" birth_date="22 February 1857" birth_place="London" de…
  17. Public Park — 2021-08-14 20:30:20
    …Public Park :: {{Databox caption="Creator" Image="Paxton_joseph.jpg" Who="Joseph Paxton" width="320" birth_date="August 3, 1803" birth_place="Bedfordshire" deat…
  18. Modern Olympics — 2021-08-14 20:26:14
    …Modern Olympics :: {{Databox caption="Creator" Image="Brookes.jpg" width="300" title="Dr William Penny Brookes" birth_date="13/8/1809" birth_place="Much Wenlock [[E…
  19. Ice Cream Cone — 2021-08-14 20:22:38
    …Ice Cream Cone :: {{Databox caption="Creator" Image="AgnesBerthaMarshall.jpg" Who="Agnes Bertha Marshall" width="300" birth_date="24 August 1855" birth_place=" Wal…
  20. Nature Reserve — 2021-08-09 22:30:53
    …Nature Reserve :: {{Databox caption="Creator" Image="Waterton.jpg" Who="Charles Waterton" width="280" birth_date="3 June 1782" birth_place="Walton Hall, Wakefield"…
  21. Chocolate Bar — 2021-08-09 22:11:02
    …Chocolate Bar :: === Joseph Fry 1841 === ~-[[CategoryInventions]]:[[CategoryFood]]:[[1800s]] {{Databox caption="Creator" Image="Josephfry.jpg" width="300" title="Joseph Fry" birth_date=" 21/4/1777" birth_place="[[London]], [[England]]" d…
  22. Sandwich — 2021-08-08 20:40:14
    …Sandwich :: === John Montagu 1762 === ~-[[CategoryFood]]:[[1700s]] {{Databox caption="Creator" Image="John_Montagu.jpg" width="300" title="John Montagu" birth_date="13/11/1718" birth_place="" death_date="30/4/1792…
  23. Sunday School — 2021-08-08 18:39:06
    …Sunday School :: === Robert Raikes 1780 === ~-[[Society]]:[[1700s]] {{Databox caption="Creator" Image="RobertRaikes.jpg" title="Robert Raikes" width="300" birth_date="14/9/1736" birth_place="Gloucester" death_…
  24. Gravity — 2020-08-06 08:19:13
    …Gravity :: {{Databox caption="Creator" Image="IsaacNewton.jpg" Who="Isaac Newton" width="300" birth_date="25/12/1642" birth_place="Woolsthorpe" death_date="…
  25. Potato Crisp — 2020-08-06 08:17:45
    …Potato Crisp :: {{Databox caption="Creator" Image="WilliamKitchiner.jpg" Who="William Kitchiner" width="280" born="1775" birth_place="London" died="1827" death_pl…

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