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Search results: 2 matches found for brush
  1. Plastic — 2022-09-01 08:57:23
    …of plastic. Celluloid film was the basis of the movie industry. Some of the thousands of items made from plastic: Toothbrushes, buckets, bowls, pens, plates, cutlery, bottles, boxes, bags, toys, pipes, tables, chairs, footballs, CDs etc. Mould…
    …d not reused blotting the oceans and countryside. Things made of Plastic ""<marquee> Bottles Buckets Boxes Cups Toothbrushes Pens Smartphones Computers Televisions Xbox Toys Dolls Chairs Electric plugs sockets Footballs Artificial Grass Flowe…
  2. Toothbrush — 2021-01-28 15:14:07
    … came along Addis employed 650 people and the first injection moulding machines were purchased and the first nylon toothbrush was launched (under the Wisdom brand). It stayed in family ownership until 1996 under the name **Wisdom Toothbrushes**…
    …. The company now manufactures 70 million toothbrushes per year in the UK. {{Image url="WilliamAddisBrushes.jpg" class="right" width="250" }} == Nylon era == By **1938** the first toothbrush with nylon fibres was produced, w…
    …ted States** it wasn’t until soldiers returned home from World War II indoctrinated with military hygiene habits that brushing one’s teeth regularly became a widespread practice. == In history == Previous to the manufactured toothbrush indi…
    …lean teeth. == Links == [[http://www.addis.co.uk/our-history Addis company]] {{Tag ids="Hygiene teeth dentures clean brush"}} …

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