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Search results: 8 matches found for Telephone
  1. Electronic Computer — 2023-10-07 10:38:05
    …the telecommunications branch of General Post Office (GPO) in **1926** and felt that the mechanical system used for the telephone exchange could be converted to an all-electronic system. == Great minds == This gave him good experience and working t…
  2. Vacuum Tube — 2023-09-23 15:57:19
    …day. This invention made possible or improved: ~[[Radio]] ~[[Television]] ~[[Radar]] ~Sound recording and reproduction ~Telephone networks, ~Analogue and Digital computers == War Needs == The outbreak of World War 2 was a key point in thermionic …
  3. Telephone — 2023-09-23 15:57:07
    … * coming over the telegraph wire. Watson had been tuning the metal reeds in the next room. Bell drew up a plan for the telephone and they continued to experiment. The next day he transmitted the famous words, "Mr. Watson, come here. I want you!" A …
    …few months later on Feb. 14, 1876, he applied for a patent on his telephone. ---- == Patent race == >>{{image url="Agbell.jpg" title="Bell" width="200"}}>> He knew he would have to work quickly t…
    …other people were also trying to make an invention to transmit the human voice. Elisha Gray claims he too invented the telephone, but Bell got to the patent office an hour or so before he did. It is said that Antonio Meucci also succeeded with the…
    … invention before Bell. Because Bell had the patent, he had the right to be the only one to produce telephones in the U.S. for the next 19 years. The unit used to measure the intensity of a sound, the **'decibel'** is named after…
  4. Telegraph — 2023-09-23 15:56:52
    …shop in Gloucester then in London developing musical instruments. His experiments with sound led him to coin the terms 'telephone' and 'microphone'. == First Telegraph 1837 == {{Image url="CookeWheatstoneTelegraph.jpg" class="left" title="Cooke Wh…
  5. Stereo — 2023-09-23 15:56:38
    …ement Ader. He used pairs of microphones in front of the Paris Opera stage in 1881, and the wealthy few could use two telephones to listen in live.// >> ::c:: == Realisation == Blumlein's binaural experiments began in early 1933, and the first …
  6. Loudspeaker — 2021-11-07 21:26:37
    …ving coil transducer. At this time there was little need to amplify recorded music, that was still in its infancy, but telephone communication was pushing the need for better audio reproduction. Lodge's cone loudspeaker, which he referred to as a …
    …"bellowing telephone", used the basic principle of the conventional cone loudspeaker drivers that we know today. == Power == What this i…
    …that terminated at the rim of the speaker in a section that was flat except for corrugations. == Early Speakers == [[Telephone|Alexander Graham Bell]] created the first practical //'transmitter'// for his telephone in 1877 that was improved by Si…
  7. Television — 2021-11-06 16:35:18
    …of a clergyman. Dogged by ill health for most of his life, he nonetheless showed early signs of ingenuity, rigging up a telephone exchange to connect his bedroom to those of his friends across the street. ||{{{toc}}}||{{adsense}}|| ::c:: {{Image url…
    …rt wave transmission. == Live Sport == In 1927 Baird transmitted a long-distance television signal over 438 miles of telephone line between London and Glasgow. He then set up the Baird Television Development Company Ltd, which in 1928 made the fi…
  8. Emergency Telephone Number — 2017-07-06 10:16:06
    …Emergency Telephone Number :: == Emergency call service == ~-[[Society]] {{Image url="999Operator.jpg" class="right" title="Policeman with …
    …r for police, fire or ambulance was the recommended method from 1927. The **General Post Office** (GPO), which ran the telephone network, proposed a three digit number. Initially, each 999 call triggered flashing red lights and hooters to alert ex…

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